Project Dance Foundation

Project Dance Building Fund

$25.00 - $175,000.00

Dear Friend,

The journey of Project Dance continues in 2024 with an opportunity we did not expect, A BUILDING!

From the very beginning of the formation of Project Dance in 2002, Ron and I have envisioned Project Dance having a building that could be used for multi-purposes: studio, rehearsal and performance space, costume, props and event storage as well as community activities.

As I shared our dream one of our friends alerted me to a building that was about to be listed. It’s 1 minute from where we currently offer classes/rehearsals in a 1000sq ft unit. Amazing! We jumped on the opportunity and were chosen to sign a purchase agreement. NOW we have 60 days to raise the money needed to secure the 8500 sq ft. building.


LET’S MOVE A MOUNTAIN together and see the PROJECT DANCE CENTER FOR THE ARTS erected in Boone, NC. In the same way that God moved to erect a stage in Times Square more than 20 years ago, we believe that God can move again and anchor our operations with a much-needed brick and mortar facility.

Our goals are as follows:

#1 - The Base Goal of $225K to secure the building in 60 days.

#2 - The Dream Goal to $600K to reduce our monthly overhead.

#3 - The Ultimate Goal of 1.2M to be debt free!

Raised or pledged so far....$155,219.00

Thank you to all who have been on the front lines of giving! You're our FIRST RESPONDERS and are valued greatly!

Please prayerfully consider a donation in the form of a check or online giving to help us secure this space. If you know of anyone in your sphere of influence who you feel would benefit from learning about this project, please share it with them. For securities giving inquire at

Project Dance Foundation, EIN 41-2098775 would own this building. Any and all gifts for the building fund will go towards this building at 755 NC Hwy 105 Bypass, Boone, NC 28607. If for any reason Project Dance is unable to fulfill the purchase of this building, all funds given to this effort will remain in the "building fund" account and used for a similar building in the future.

Tax deductible checks can be made payable to:

Project Dance Foundation

Send to:

Project Dance Foundation 276H Watauga Village Drive Suite 139

Boone, NC 28607

Thank you,

Cheryl Cutlip

Executive Director Project Dance Foundation


Project Dance Foundation is a 501-c-3 arts and education organization formed in 2003. All gifts are 100% tax deductible. 

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