Local 399 One-Time Quarterly Dues | Casting Assistant Only ($201)

$203.00 - $243.00

Please complete the form in its entirety to make a One-Time Dues Payment for the Quarter. This payment page is for Casting Assistants.

Please note the month we are currently in when selecting the dues amount to be paid. Dues are due in the months of January, April, July & October in order to avoid late fees. Any payment made outside of these months will result in late fees. Late fees go into effect as of 12:00AM on the 1st of each month past due.

Per the Local 399 By-Laws: Failure to pay in the months of January, April, July and October will accrue late fees as follows:

$20 Late Fee for Dues paid in February, May, August, November.

$40 Late Fee for Dues paid in March, June, September, December.

Failure to pay dues before a new quarter begins (aka 90-days behind on your account) will result in Suspension. You cannot make an online one-time payment when your account is on a suspended status. You will need to contact the Local 399 Union Hall to speak to a Membership Specialist regarding the options for your account if returning from a Suspended status: 818-985-7374.

Quarterly dues for Casting Assistants are $201 a Quarter and there is a $2 service fee for online payments.

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