Wednesday 9 August, 10 for 10.30am start
Geoffrey Summerhayes was a third generation Perth architect — first Edwin, then Reginald and subsequently Geoffrey. Their architectural practice began in 1894 and continued until 2010, leaving significant architectural legacies. Architecture and design have been entwined in the lives of the family for over three generations. The speaker will focus on grandson Geoffrey after setting the background of father and grandfather.
Andrina Treadgold is Geoffrey Summerhayes’ daughter who spent her childhood in one of his extraordinary mid-20th century houses, anchored to the Mosman Bay cliffs above the Swan River. For Andrina and her brother, her parents’ glamorous life of modern architecture, fast cars, music and parties were the foundations of their childhood.
After discovering her father’s architectural plans, photographs and a draft memoir, Andrina was determined to record her father’s contribution to Australian architecture. His life was a remarkable journey from a cautious Perth boy to an accomplished Australian architect, via Princeton University and a global education.
As in the past raffle tickets for a gorgeous hamper will be sold at the event.